Baltimore, MD - July 20th - 22nd

Two shows in two weeks. One would think I didn't have a job or something. Bwahahaha. Anyway, off we went to Otakon, the anime mecca of the east coast. Last year was an eye opening experience, as I sold out of a lot of merchandise and was still there until 1am or so. This time Dani and I were prepared.

I would like to thank Mara from Black As White for housing us. Mara and I have been friends over a decade, so it's always great to hang with her and her husband.

Now I did something a LITTLE differently with this photo set - and I think I might do it this way in the future, as it's quicker. I will though resort back to the older ways if you guys prefer them. I put all of the photos on a FLICKR account. They're free to see and do what you like with them. Plus they no longer take up precious bandwidth (of which I have quite a bit, but it's always nice to conserve).

Here's the link: CLICK HERE.

I know it's not as personal as doing it here, but I was recognizing with the amount of photos I'm taking... it's only going to get harder. So, if you like FLICKR or some other service, let me know.

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